

Apple begins the Great App Store cost negotiation

Apple begins the Great App Store cost negotiation

The focus may be on Apple, but decisions made around App Store commissions could impact every retail business.

Apple allows devs to promote subscriptions on the web with a 27% commission

Apple loosens grip on App Store pricing with 700 new price points, support for prices that don't end in $.99

Apple Announces Biggest Upgrade to App Store Pricing, Adding 700 New Price Points

How to Submit an iOS App to App Store: Tips and Tricks - Waverley

The Steve Jobs Emails That Show How to Win a Hard-Nosed Negotiation - The Atlantic

Apple's app store allows outside payments for a 27% cut from developers - The Washington Post

Apple adds new Pay Once and Play category to the App Store

OBO Meaning: Understanding Or Best Offer in Sales and Negotiations - GadgetMates

Apple Workers at Maryland Store Vote to Unionize, a First in the U.S. - The New York Times

Epic Games v. Apple — U.S. District Court Rules Apple Can No Longer Prohibit Devs From Directing Users Away From App Store

Track and Manage Subscriptions With These 9 Apps, Personal Finance

Why got out of the Apple App Store tax, and why other developers won't - The Verge

Developers Blast Apple's 27% Fee On External Payments: 'Bad Faith Compliance