

Why some scientists want to rebrand shark attacks as 'negative

Why some scientists want to rebrand shark attacks as 'negative

Shark conservation: Scientists urge encounters with humans to be called 'bites' not 'attacks

Using tech to fend off Cape Cod's great white sharks could backfire

Australian scientists seek to rebrand shark 'attacks': report

Are sharks getting hungrier for humans? Experts reveal whether you should be extra cautious in the water this summer

Shark Week has too many white men and is prone to 'fear mongering': study

Some experts worry Shark Week focuses too much on the sensational, not enough on science

How to Avoid a Shark Attack - Shark Safety Guide

Great White Sharks Flee From Killer Whales - The Atlantic

A movement in Australia to “rebrand” shark attacks into “incidents.”

Frontiers Assessing White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias) Behavior Along Coastal Beaches for Conservation-Focused Shark Mitigation

Shark attacks rebranded as 'negative encounters